Announcement: Trudesk v1.0.5 Release

Hello Everyone,
I’m happy to announce the release of Trudesk v1.0.5 :clap:

Trudesk v1.0.5 (2019-01-09)


  • dates: ability to customize date format
  • backup: backup system. settings->backup/restore (requires mongodb-tools)

Bug Fixes

  • api: tickets #124 - unable to update ticket status (ab614a4)
  • backup: crash on restore (a613612)
  • backup: restore directory fails to create (d68a045)
  • backup: restore sending error response to soon (605c8d8)
  • mailcheck: event leak (23eaab3)
  • nav: disappearing dashboard button (32a4e87)
  • overdue: overdue card showing incorrect tickets (72e2584)
  • tags: tags with min2 were not creating (9a22364)
  • ticket: fix #116 - ability to configure character limit on tickets (88ae488)

All deployment methods have been updated.

Updating from source & appliance update

  1. Log into the console
  2. cd /etc/trudesk/ or directory of trudesk installation
  3. git pull
  4. git checkout v1.0.5
  5. rm -rf node_modules && yarn install
  6. yarn run build
  7. pm2 restart trudesk

Note: A hard reset may be required if you modified files before. If so run git reset --hard

Docker Deployments

Switch the docker image tag to 1.0.5. Note: If you’re on tag latest, 1.0, or 1 just re-pull the image.

Docker deployments require a new volumeMount for backup storage

docker run --name trudesk --link mongodb:mongodb \
    -v /data/trudesk/uploads:/usr/src/trudesk/public/uploads \
    -v /data/trudesk/plugins:/usr/src/trudesk/plugins \
    -v /data/trudesk/backups:/usr/src/trudesk/backups \
    -e NODE_ENV=production \
    -e MONGODB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR=mongodb -e MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME=trudesk \
    -P -d polonel/trudesk:1.0

hi Polonel

What am I doing wrong?

I reversed the snapshot and I continue with 1.0.3

in your command $ sudo rm -rf node_modules && yarn install, you’re missing the sudo for the following command after the &&.

$ sudo rm -rf node_modules && sudo yarn install