Announcement: Trudesk v1.0.6 Release

Hello everyone :wave:
Iโ€™m happy to announce the release of Trudesk v1.0.6 :clap:

Trudesk v1.0.6 (2019-02-02)



  • Edit Issue/Subject/Comment/Note UI updated
  • Descriptive text to icon buttons
  • Create Ticket Windows UI Flow
  • Added support for Microsoft Office attachments
  • Build files are now included in tag deployments

Bug Fixes

  • Event Leak in WebSockets
  • Support for modern TLDs
  • Invalid date format on report generation
  • Issue preventing groups from saving
  • Memory leak if user had high amount of unread notifications
  • UI Bug where chatbox would show under certain FAB Buttons
  • attachments: uploading office mime-types #140 (b47da40)
  • chat: chat boxes under some buttons (c337c76)
  • dates: overdue on dashboard (921e258)
  • editor: crash on invalid directory (bc60899)
  • groups: issue preventing save (7208253)
  • ldap: crash if no results are returned (8ff63ba)
  • login: username whitespaces (282d725)
  • messages: remove ajax link from start conversation (988dfa9)
  • notifications: unable to clear all notifications (4f24c8c)
  • reports: invalid date format (808a740)
  • reports: invalid date string (0914d91)
  • socket: high memory usage on notification updates (b647d4c)
  • ticket: priority not updating in realtime (721f42d)
  • unzip: out dated dependency #139 (b0aab01)
  • url: invalid parse (1738287)
  • validation: email validation for modern tlds #130 (febcbdf)

All deployment methods have been updated.

Updating from source & appliance update

  1. Log into the console
  2. cd /etc/trudesk or directory of trudesk installation
  3. git pull
  4. git checkout v1.0.6
  5. yarn install
  6. pm2 restart trudesk

Note: A hard reset may be required if you modified files before. If so run git reset --hard

Note: Running yarn run build is no longer required. Build files are included in tagged releases

Docker Deployments

Switch the docker image tag to 1.0.6. Note: If youโ€™re on tag latest, 1.0, or 1 just re-pulled the image.