I am trying to install trudesk since the previous installation was broken
Where can I download the ubuntu bash to install?
curl -L -s http://www.trudesk.io/install/install_ubuntu.sh | sudo bash
I am trying to install trudesk since the previous installation was broken
Where can I download the ubuntu bash to install?
curl -L -s http://www.trudesk.io/install/install_ubuntu.sh | sudo bash
I’m getting the link fixed.
This issue should be fixed now.
@trudesk:~$ sudo curl -L -s http://www.trudesk.io/install/install_ubuntu.sh | sudo bash
bash: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
bash: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
@trudesk:~$ sudo curl -L -s https://www.trudesk.io/install/install_ubuntu.sh | sudo bash
bash: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
bash: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
I can’t install with the bash
add https but it was not the solution
take off the www. Wordpress is redirecting causing the error.
If that doesn’t work I have moved the files to a static GCP Bucket.
sudo curl -L -s https://files.trudesk.io/install/install_ubuntu.sh | sudo bash
Requesting to update docs with new Link
I’m working on getting the documentation updated for the open source version. A lot of my time and focus has been towards the free cloud hosted version of trudesk.
The readme has been updated.