Dashboard data refresh

Dears All,

Juste installed Trudesk in a new VirtualBox Environment. Everything works great except 1 thing.
The dashboard doesn’t refresh my data real time.
I see last updated this morning at 06 am whle we are 11 am.

I canforce refresh through the command line with “pm2 reload trudesk”.
The server then restarts and the dashboard data refreshes. But the last updated still stuck on 6 am.

Running trudesk on Ubuntu server 16.04. Is there a way to let trudesk handles the dashboard in real time ? For example with a cronjob ?

Thanks in advance for your answers.
Kind regards

Welcome to the community!

The dashboard data is cached due to its large amount of graph data that it has to query. The cache refreshes on server startup and then every hour thereafter.

I have plans to implement a refresh button that will force the cache to invalidate and update, but it will be throttled due to the request/query size of the data.

If it is failing to refresh, the child process that handles the cache should show an error in the server log. (you may need to enable NODE_ENV=development to get the full verbose log)