How to import user from csv

i have like 10 user to create and the csv i am uploading is not working. what is the correct format for csv?


roleid must be an ObjectID from MongoDB.

The default password assigned is Password1!

If it still fails let me know. It may be failing due to the role changes.

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works like a charm. My problem was using a ; delimiter instead of a , . thanks and cannot decribe how awsome the software is and its just getting better.

it imported but i dont see any user an when try importing again it stucks on :

  • Starting import…
  • Importing testuser close

am kind of stuck again. check the database user does not exist.
this is my csv file:

username fullname email roleid title
testuser test user support commercial

Roleid needs to be the ObjectID of the role.

hi there - i tried the same format for csv user import but im still getting an error.

my format is as follows:
abeisel,Alexandra Beisel,,5d8905e44b35c14ae2e0b051,user
abrowning,America Browning,,5d8905e44b35c14ae2e0b051,user


thank you!

Error messages logged in browser console, or server console?

  1. {success: false, error: “Invalid Username - UserSchema.GetUserByUsername()”}

  2. success: false

  3. error: “Invalid Username - UserSchema.GetUserByUsername()”

  4. proto:

1. constructor: Ć’ Object()
2. __defineGetter__: Ć’ __defineGetter__()
3. __defineSetter__: Ć’ __defineSetter__()
4. hasOwnProperty: Ć’ hasOwnProperty()
5. __lookupGetter__: Ć’ __lookupGetter__()
6. __lookupSetter__: Ć’ __lookupSetter__()
7. isPrototypeOf: Ć’ isPrototypeOf()
8. propertyIsEnumerable: Ć’ propertyIsEnumerable()
9. toString: Ć’ toString()
10. valueOf: Ć’ valueOf()
11. toLocaleString: Ć’ toLocaleString()
12. get __proto__: Ć’ __proto__()
13. set __proto__: Ć’ __proto__()

  1. arguments: (...)
  2. caller: (...)
  3. length: 1
  4. name: "set __proto__"
  5. __proto__: Ć’ ()
  6. [[Scopes]]: Scopes[0]

I think you may be missing a comma (,) between the fullname and email address.

I was looking at the code and roleid is incorrect, it should be just “role”. And it is true that the value you put in role is the ObjectID from MongoDB.