Single Sign On - SSO with JWT

We are testing trudesk as a potential part of our back-office portal (local deployment), we plan to use the trudesk portal as corner stone of our back-office customer support tool.

Our back-office portal is an extension to our multivendor front-office platform, with privildeged access granted to admins only.

We use a login with email link, that ends-up into a JWT token, valid for the duration of the session.

Administrators can navigate between front-office and back-office easily, sharing the same JWT token, validated thru one single back-end server API.

Could anyone point me to some implementation example with trudesk, to make trudesk access/validate a JWT token then grant access ? not sure the is the answer.

Also, we expect admin/agents/customers privildeges to follow user profiles, as defined into our front-office platform, and user’s table in database.

Thanks in advance,