Unable to create new ticket after change of ticket type


first of all, thanks you for the development of an open source ticket system. Works like a charm except for one bug i encountered. It can be reproduced very easily. If you are logged in as admin, navigate to settings -> tickets -> ticket types. Then create a new ticket type with a random name. After that, delete an old default ticket type and set the reference to the newly created with random name. Everything seems fine and the tickets have been re-referenced although not by the newly created type. Biggest problem is if I do a browser refresh now, i am unable to create a new ticket after this and i retrieved following error code in the console:

6.js:44 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_id’ of null
at CreateTicketModal.value (9.js:10)
at allowStateChanges$$1 (6.js:16)
at 6.js:16
at trackDerivedFunction$$1 (6.js:16)
at Reaction$$1.track (6.js:16)
at CreateTicketModal.reactiveRender [as render] (6.js:16)
at CreateTicketModal. (6.js:16)
at CreateTicketModal.target.render (6.js:16)
at xg (6.js:44)
at wg (6.js:44)
Kg @ 6.js:44
6.js:44 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_id’ of null
at CreateTicketModal.value (9.js:10)
at allowStateChanges$$1 (6.js:16)
at 6.js:16
at trackDerivedFunction$$1 (6.js:16)
at Reaction$$1.track (6.js:16)
at CreateTicketModal.reactiveRender [as render] (6.js:16)
at CreateTicketModal. (6.js:16)
at CreateTicketModal.target.render (6.js:16)
at xg (6.js:44)
at wg (6.js:44)

Only way i get it backup working is to do a backup.
Hope this helps and you will find time to have a look into it.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Since i haven’t received an answer, can someone else reproduce this issue too?

Hey I’m stuck in this situation as well, although for me, I simply cannot create any tickets. It just gives me an error.
Screen Shot 2019-12-26 at 2.23.49 PM

what version?