Where did my email go?

I enabled the mail checker, i can see that it found mail to import, and its gone from the email account, but there are no tickets in the system?

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is this on version 1.1 or 1.0?

its on 1.1.0, installed today

Thanks for the report. There seems to be an issue with creating tickets on 1.1. Working on a fix now.

ok, but the emails are gone?

Yes but I don’t think the tickets are. I think its a rendering / view issue that preventing you from seeing the ticket, but its in the DB. you can confirm by connecting to MongoDB in the shell with mongo and running…

use trudesk;

sadly that returns nothing.

Fix is in v1.1.1. Please upgrade.

I updated to 1.1.1, ran the mail import again, 17 mails deleted, no tickets created.

Which provider? I’ll try to test with same provider and debug.

Gmail, not sure why that would make a difference, since it gladly deleted them.

It makes a different because providers like Gmail add headers and body HTML that were not present in the original message. To prevent entering a blank ticket, trudesk will not create a ticket if it fails to parse the body/headers of the message.

If you’re concerned about the deletion of the email until I can debug with gmail, you can turn the option off to delete the message.

Yes, I have done so now

I have resolved the issue. It was a race condition that if the server was fast enough to process the message before imap server deleted the message it would create the ticket. If your trudesk server wasn’t fast enough it wouldn’t.

I have done testing with gmail.
Can you confirm that if you disable “Delete Message” and restart trudesk that the ticket does indeed get created?

It works with my test with Delete Message off. What I have found is that gmail’s auto expunge is occurring before trudesk is finished processing the message.

I have changed the following settings in the gmail which allowed the ticket to be created with the “Delete Message” enabled and it properly deletes the mail message after it is done processing:

with delete message disabled and a restart the tickets dont get created, now on start up its says debug: Processed 6 Mail > Ticket but not tickets are created. The next two lines in the log are debug: No User found. if that gives any clues.

Are you on the latest v1.1.2?
It included a fix for IMAP mail due to a race condition.

Upgrade to it now, this is what the logs show:

1/17 21:45:09 [4742] - debug: Processing 1 Mail
1/17 21:45:09 [4742] - info: TruDesk is now listening on port: 8118
1/17 21:45:09 [4742] - info: trudesk Ready
1/17 21:45:10 [4742] - debug: User successfully connected: asperon
1/17 21:45:10 [4742] - debug: Created 0 tickets from mail
1/17 21:45:10 [4742] - warn: No User found.

Do you have the create user option enabled? This will create a user with the email FROM address.

checked it, makes no difference:

1/19 19:27:55 [21375] - debug: Starting MailCheck…
1/19 19:27:55 [21375] - debug: Building dynamic sass…
1/19 19:27:55 [21375] - debug: Processing 1 Mail
1/19 19:27:56 [21375] - info: TruDesk is now listening on port: 8118
1/19 19:27:56 [21375] - info: trudesk Ready